Excellency since 2001.
Ricamil started his activities in the town of Jaguariúna, São Paulo State, Brazil, in June 2001.
Facing a big growth, the Company serves a competitive and exigent market, always following a clear guideline for its actions and values, based upon excellency, quality, ethical principles and satisfaction of his customers.
By means of unified operations, Ricamil Group applies the best individual and turn-key solutions in its Divisions, such as Electrical Engineering, Switchboards, Industrial Processes, Automation Technology and Field Engineering (PMI).
The Company is also the owner of a Shop, selling electrical and hydraulic materials of the more used marks, destined to the various branches of industry.
Ricamil Group is a company moved by excellency in everything done and, since its foundation, is building important Works throughout the Country. Therefore, it counts upon a specialized service, agile and dynamic, together with a team made up of highly qualified professionals, who can clearly understand customer’s reality. All the actions converge to a single aim: to develop personalized solutions, integrated and customized, turned to meet the defined terms.
Along his trajectory of 10 years, Ricamil Group accumulated a lot of specialized know-how in highly complex Works of many branches, embracing industries of pharmaceutics, cosmetics, food, beverages, automotive and others.
Pillars of Ricamil
Customer Satisfaction
MISSION: "To effectively meet the needs of our customers and the challenges of the market, acting with excellence in all projects through the use of modern technology, technical training of our employees and continuous improvement of processes."
VISION: "To be recognized in the market as a reference in our area of activity, always committed to the quality and ethical conduct of the services rendered, the satisfaction of our client, the well-being of our employees and sustainable growth.
Ethics, integrity and transparency reflected in all our conduct;
Commitment to excellence through the quality present in all our work;
Respect to our customers, partners and employees, as they make our dreams come true;
Profitability through continuous overcoming of results;
Social and environmental sustainability, because we believe in a better world!